We love families at the Vineyard! We believe that children are not just the future of the church, but are the present. Like Jesus says in Matthew 19:14 "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these".
Jesus loves children and as a church we want to support children and families to provide a better experience for your family.
We understand that two combined influences make a greater impact than just two influences, so we as a church want to work together to support you and your family and help teach kids about God in a way they will understand. We create environments that help them connect with one another, have fun, feel safe, and build relationships We use a family program called ORANGE because when you take the light of the church (yellow), combine it with the heart of the home (red) you get a stronger, more vibrant impact in the life a child (orange). As a church we want the whole family to experience what it means to love God and others, and how you can live this out on a day-to-day basis to influence your child(ren).
The nursery is for our youngest kids. These kids range from newborn to age 2. We provide a place where kids feel safe and cared for and can begin learning how to trust others so that one day they will trust in God.
PRESCHOOL (ages 3-5)
Kids in preschool are given the opportunity to sing, hear Bible stories, and learn about God in a fun and relevant way. We hope and pray that your kids learn, have fun and feel known and loved by others and by God. Ultimately, we want even the littlest of kids to be prepared for a relationship with Jesus and to make Him the leader of their lives.
KIDS CHURCH (kindergarten-5th grade)
When services start, kids gather for large group, which helps them connect with and learn more about God through singing, teaching, Bible stories and life application. Kids are challenged to apply the lesson to their lives. During small group time, kids discuss the lesson with their group leader, ask questions, complete fun and engaging activities and build relationships with their peers and leaders. We want kids to learn about God, build great relationships with others at church, and have TONS of fun! We want to provide these kids with a place that engages them, challenges them, and helps them feel welcome. Most of all, we also want to give them a Biblical foundation and an opportunity to make the decision to have a real relationship with Jesus
All kids matter to God and to us! We understand the challenge it is to come to church with a special needs child. Our goal is to make it possible for children with special needs to feel like they belong, are valued and delighted in. We want parents to feel welcomed, have a place where there is no judgment and to be able to worship God and be in community with one another.